KNR and Glossom Announce Strategic Partnership in Global Marketing

TOKYO, Japan – KNR, Inc. today announced that it has entered into a new strategic partnership with Glossom, Inc., a leading mobile advertising company and wholly owned subsidiary of GREE, to accelerate sales of Glossom’s mobile ad platform, GREE Ads Reward.

GREE Ads Reward is one of the largest incentivized advertising networks in Japan. Users who complete certain actions can earn rewards such as points, which can then be used within apps and websites.

In recent years, increasing numbers of international companies have entered the Japanese market. To address this demand, KNR has partnered with Glossom. Leaning on KNR’s strong relationships with global app advertisers, this partnership aims to accelerate global advertisers’ adoption of the GREE Ads Reward network.

About KNR, Inc.

KNR is a comprehensive marketing solutions company that provides support to mobile app businesses through its advertising network and digital marketing agency function. In addition, the company operates a business consultancy, providing Japan market entry support to mobile app advertisers and b2b advertising businesses. In 2018, KNR formed a strategic business alliance with leading digital media agency, Nasmedia (KOSDAQ: 089600) of South Korea, to jointly operate AppGuardian, an affiliate network covering global traffic. Over the past five years, KNR has established sales channels with more than 50 local agencies and advertisers, and has managed more than 500 campaigns. The company is composed of a professional team of sales, account managers, UA consultants, and creative designers.

For more information, visit

About Glossom, Inc.

Glossom is a leading mobile technology company. Its advertising network connects publishers with premium advertisers via GREE’s extensive network of apps. In addition, GREE Advertising, a wholly owned subsidiary of Glossom, is an advertising agency specialized in mobile marketing and provides support for marketing campaigns utilizing the GREE Group’s expertise and knowledge.

For more information, visit

株式会社KNR(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:金成浩道、以下「KNR」)は、Glossom株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:足立和久、グリー株式会社100%子会社、以下「Glossom」)とパートナーシップを締結し、アプリ広告向けプラットフォーム「GREE Ads Reward」の提供を開始しました。

「GREE Ads Reward」は、広告リンク先で一定の条件を達成したユーザーに対し、報酬としてサービス内で利用できるポイントなどを付与する国内最大規模のリワード広告ネットワークです。



会社名 :株式会社KNR(KNR, Inc.)
URL       :
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 金成浩道
所在地 : 東京都港区芝浦4-19-1-4608
設立  : 2017年11月



会社名:Glossom株式会社(Glossom, Inc.)
URL       :
代表者 : 代表取締役社長 足立和久
所在地 : 東京都新宿区西新宿6-18-1住友不動産新宿セントラルパークタワー13F
設立  : 2007年3月